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The Vulture Culture March 16, 2008

Posted by shadows15 in Amazing Quotes!, Contemporary Issues, Gems and Jewels, Sisters Section, وَمَن يَرْغَبُ عَن مِّلَّةِ إ, Weekly Wisdom, Worship.
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Hunting for Mistakes and the Vulture Culture:

Destroying Correct Cultivation

Words from the Senior Scholars – may Allâh have mercy on themTranslated by Abû Umar al-Jurjânî

Credit to Maktabah Al-Salafiyah


“Listen my brother. I sincerely advise you and other youths like you, who stand upon a type of deviation – as it seems to us, and Allâh knows best – that do not waste your time in refuting each other, saying that such and such has this in him, and such and such has that in him. This is because; firstly: there is no knowledge at all in this, and secondly: this mannerism only breeds enmity and hatred in the hearts, and causes contempt and rancour to develop in the hearts. So It is upon you to seek knowledge. It is knowledge that will make clear to you the reality of the speech which is in praise of a particular person having many mistakes, and whether he is deserving of being labelled as an innovator. Yet why do we wish to delve into such issues. Indeed I advise you not to delve into such issues. The reality is that we complain about this splitting which has occurred between those who ascribe themselves to the da’wah to the Book and the Sunnah – or as we say, ad-Da’watus-Salafiyyah the greatest cause of this splitting, and Allâh knows bests, is the following of whims and desires and the evil dictates of one’s soul. It is not due to the presence of differences in thoughts and ideas. So this is my sincere advice.”

[Silsilatul Hudâ wan-Nûr (784/1), dated the 1st of Rabî’ al Awwal 1414H (9-12-1993)]

My Favourite Illness??? March 16, 2008

Posted by shadows15 in Amazing Quotes!, Gems and Jewels, Personality Development, Sisters Section.
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What is truly intriguing about the lives of the companions of the Prophet(saw) is their ability to see through trials and tribulations through eman(faith)-filled lenses and see them as beneficial. What is hard and painful such as an illness, can now be sweet and cherished because as Muslims, we know that anything that causes us anxiety and stress is a means of purification from our sins. Here is a small example from Abu Huraira who considers the fever to be his favorite illness!


Abu Hurayrah’s favorite illness

Abu Hurayrah – may Allah be pleased with him – said:

There is no illness that afflicts me more beloved to me than fever: it enters every part of me and [because of it] Allah the Mighty and Sublime gives every part of me its share of reward.”

Shaykh Al-Albaani’s Saheeh Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 1/198.

Nikes or Adidas? March 12, 2008

Posted by shadows15 in Contemporary Issues, Misc, Personality Development, Weekly Wisdom.
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Many of us living in the West are so bombarded by the relentless campaign of advertisements that we fail to see the povert-stricken situations of people across the globe. Here is a picture of a man (or woman) with water bottles for sandals. Below that is a picture of the usual selection of shoes people come across in malls. Reflect on the complete disparity between the two types of people and remember it whenever your about to buy new pairs of shoes.



New lecture added to the page “Listen.” It is a beautiful lecture series to presenting Islam in ten minutes and has been extremely popular since it’s inception. Anyone who wants to do Dawah should listen to this lecture since it is short, effective and concise.

Mercy March 12, 2008

Posted by shadows15 in Gems and Jewels, Misc, Sisters Section, Videos.
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There were two men who reared this lion from a baby in England but the authorities would not allow them to keep it once it reached maturity, so they were forced to give it up. They took it back to Africa and placed it in a wildlife sanctuary.

A year later they went to see it and were told it would not remember them…

Watch the reunion here:

Glimpses of Romance from the Seerah March 10, 2008

Posted by shadows15 in Gems and Jewels, Misc, Sisters Section, Weekly Wisdom.
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